
By Patrick Ferris on 2021-01-21 00:12:18 +00:00

Whilst single-page apps are great (and currently quite popular). It's also nice to segment content into pages. Mithril allows you to do this via the routing capabilities it provides. And as you guessed it, in the basic workflow, it just revolves around telling Mithril what component should be shown for what page.

First we create a simple home component with a link to a second page. The #! in the path is common for single page applications.

let home =
  let view _ =
      v "div"
                ~attr:Attr.(v [| attr "href" (Jv.of_string "#!/page-two") |])
                ~children:(`String "Go to page two!") "a";
  Component.v view

Then a simple page_two component.

let page_two =
  let view _ = M.(v "div" ~children:(`String "Page Two!")) in
  Component.v view

Finally we describe the collection of routes using the variant constructor Routes and providing a list of routes and mount it to the page using the M.route function.

let () =
  let body = Brr.(Document.body G.document) in
  let open Route in
  let routes =
        Route.mk_route ~path:"/home" ~component:home;
        Route.mk_route ~path:"/page-two" ~component:page_two;
  M.(route body "/home" routes)